Report to:                  East Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board

Date:                           16th July 2024

By:                              Healthwatch East Sussex

Title:                           Healthwatch East Sussex Annual Report 2023-24: The value of listening

Purpose of Report:   To provide an overview of the Healthwatch Annual Report 23/24


Recommendations: East Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board is recommended to:

1)    Consider and note the Healthwatch East Sussex Annual Report 2023-24


1       Background

1.1 Each local Healthwatch in England is required to publish an annual report providing an overview of its activity and statutory functions. The Healthwatch East Sussex Annual Report 2023-24 is titled ‘The value of listening’ and is attached as appendix 1.


2       Supporting Information

2.1  The Annual report sets out, amongst other things, highlights of work over the course of the year; work on engagement; ways in which a difference has been made; information about volunteers; financial details; and details of Healthwatch’s priorities for 2024/25.


3       Conclusion and reasons for recommendations

3.1  The East Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board is recommended to consider and note the report.


Veronica Kirwan

Chief Executive, East Sussex Community Voice, delivering Healthwatch in East Sussex


Contact Officer


Tel: 07794 100291


Appendix 1: Healthwatch East Sussex Annual Report 2023-24: The value of listening